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Certifying the 2016-17 Budget

June 29, 2015

One of my duties as Texas' chief financial officer is to "certify" the Legislature's two-year budget — to ensure the spending we plan for can be covered with the revenues we expect to collect in the next two years.

On June 9, I certified the state's budget for 2016 and 2017, which calls for about $209 billion in total spending. It's a complex budget for a varied and fast-growing state. But it's also fiscally responsible, staying well within our spending limits.

To learn more, check out this video we released on the budget certification process.

As you can see, the measures taken by the 2015 Legislature represent a big step toward preserving our economic future over decades rather than years. But we'll have to stay focused on our long-term challenges in 2017 and beyond.

I'll keep my eye on the state's finances, and I urge you to do so as well.

As always, let us know how we're doing via our customer service website, Twitter or Facebook. Please visit our website to view and share our budget certification video and download and share an infographic on the budget certification process.

Thank you for all you do for Texas, and God bless,

Glenn Hegar
