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Certifying Texas' 2018-19 Budget

June 2, 2017

The 2017 regular session of the Texas Legislature was contentious and occasionally chaotic — but then, they often are. As a former legislator myself, I know how hard preparing the state's biennial budget can be, and how thankless the job can feel at times.

At the beginning of this session, I advised the members of the 85th Texas Legislature that the next budget would be tight, meaning the pressure to weigh and compromise on hundreds of competing needs would be particularly tough. But they rose to the challenge and met it.

Senate Bill 1 provides Texas with a budget of about $107 billion in certification-related funds for fiscal 2018 and 2019, an amount well within the Biennial Revenue Estimate. It's a conservative budget that maintains our traditional support for limited government. I certified the budget on June 1 and sent it to Governor Abbott for his consideration.

You can read our press release on the budget, and watch a video about the signing.

As always, stay connected to Texas economic issues via our website, Twitter or Facebook.

Thank you for all you do for Texas, and God bless,

Glenn Hegar