Vendor/Payee and State Employee

Contact your paying agency to obtain a direct deposit form. Send your completed form directly to the agency issuing your payments. You'll find the paying agency listed on your state warrant (check) stub. You can also refer to the Paying Agency Contact List.


Contact the Revenue Accounting Division at 512-463-4561 to obtain Form 74-221, Tax Refund Direct Deposit Authorization to initiate the process to receive payments electronically. If you want all your tax refunds deposited to the same account, you need only one authorization form. However, if you have different accounts for each tax type, you will need to complete a form for each tax type.

How Can We Help You?

If you need assistance with the form or need help determining which agency pays you, call the Payment Services help line at 512-936-8138 or 800-531-5441, ext. 6-8138. You can also email us.