programs Minnie Stevens Piper Compendium

Advanced Placement and Credit By Examination

Through The College Board, there are now only two ways in which students may qualify for advanced placement and/or credit by examination. They are the Advanced Placement Program®(AP®), and the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP®). As of January 2021, the SAT® Subject Tests are no longer being offered. Visit to examine the credit-by-exam policies of colleges and universities.

Advanced Placement Program (AP®) offers over 30 college level courses and exams in a wide variety of subject areas. These courses are taught in high school by high school teachers in May and June. The AP® Program provides an opportunity for intellectual excitement and is an excellent means of curriculum enrichment and strengthening, offering students the opportunity to earn college credits and placement. Fee reductions are available for eligible students. See your AP® Coordinator for information. AP score reports are available online beginning in July.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP®) is designed to measure learning regardless of where it might have occurred -- in or out of the classroom. High school students may apply to take these examinations and use the results for advanced placement and/or credit at their colleges. Every college and test center establish their own policies and procedures for administering the exams and/or awarding credit.

CLEP® offers 34 examinations, each covering a different subject area. Each examination is computer-based, approximately 90 minutes long and, except for English Composition with Essay, is made up primarily of multiple-choice questions. Tests may be taken throughout the year at CLEP® Test Centers ( ).

SAT® Subject Tests are no longer being offered. For more detailed information about The College Board programs and services, contact the Southwestern Regional Office of The College Board in Austin, TX at 866-392-3017 or visit College Board Online at

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